Project information
Take a look at how we planned and developed Freelanceitis
Freelanceitis is a freelance agency that was interested in a platform that would create more control over their business model. The website would be a gateway for incoming jobs and recruiting freelancers.

To develop the ideal website for a company we first have to listen precisely to what the client is interested in. As mentioned before the platform’s main purpose is to get an overall better view and control over the streams of jobs and freelancers. This would make the business more efficient and consequently create more profit.
The functionality
The idea was to let businesses post job vacancies for freelancers to respond on. Instead of the businesses receiving the response, Freelanceitis would receive it. This would give Freelanceitis control over the freelancers and job posts.
Freelancers and businesses required their own dashboard. This meant that we had to create a good looking UX/UI design.
Next to that, it was of great importance that a mailing system would be integrated into the website. This would keep the freelancers up to date with the latest job posts. When a user registers it automatically gets into a database to which mails could be sent. The mailing system has built-in tags which can read the freelancer’s position. This is useful for sending out mails based on a specific position.
To top it off, we created a system for Freelanceitis to regularly post blogs with ease.
The design
Freelanceitis was all about a modern design. When looking at the current sector of freelance agencies, especially in Belgium where it is based, the sector is lacking a modern touch. We would create this by using animations.
To stick out as a website we gave it a dark background. This darkness would give a nice contrast with the orange color of the Freelanceitis logo.
Here you see the landing page we designed for Freelanceitis.